basically, all i have to say is i cant stop eating them. if you were a fan of any brand salt and pepper chips, GET THESE INSTEAD. They taste just as good, if not better, are not oily or fried, have a ton of fiber and even 3g of protein/serving.
I was using them to shovel Tribe brand hummus into my mouth but let that go and just stuck to the crackers since they're so yummy.
Great crackers for $3.75
OMG !! We totall tried these from our little Asian market and Markus hates them, but SUNNY loves them!!!
Finished them last night. . .will admit it took SOme time to get used to, but. . . mmmm!
Giaxomo, this blog looks great, but why is it about food? Arlo
because aside from love its the only thing that matters in life. ;0
i LOVE these!!!!
have you tried the fire roasted tomato and olive oil? to DIE for!
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