its the easiest thing Diana! Peel the onions and if they're small enough leave them whole, if not slice them up to whatever manageable size. Then get a regular sautee pan or even a larger pot, coat the bottom with olive oil (you can use palm oil too but just don't put too much if youre using palm oil). Add the onions and sprinkle salt over all of them (add some fine ground black pepper too) and put the heat on the LOWEST possible. if the burner cant get low enough, double up
the grills over the flame and still keep it on low heat. if the heat gets too high then the onions will brown before the carmalize. scrape the bottom with a wooden spon every once and a while so they dont stick but its okay it little brown marks stick to the bottom. once the onions become clear you can raise the heat till they start to brown. at the very end once they ve started to brown (not too much!) you can add just a little bit of white wine to sizzle on the bottom and
"deglaze" the pan- the white wine will pull off all the brown parts that stuck to the bottom and add flavor to the rest.
MMMM my mouth is watering now! i miss you tons and hope youre doing something extra fun for your birthday sunday!!!!!
big kiss.
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On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Diana R <> wrote:
Hey sweetie!
Ur gonna laugh at me sooo hard but... my mom was trying out this recipe the other day with carmelized onions and I kept getting flashbacks of walking into ur apartment in the berks and peeking through your fork curtain at these little onions that you would cook! sooo good... and now I have this terrible craving... its like Im pregnant or something (no chance in hell! dont worry you will be made aware if I make u an uncle... ) anyways I need ur recipe.. I remember u cook very randomly and with little to no guidance but you must have an idea of how u used to make these... they were little onions about the size of a golf ball or smaller which you would cook for hours and they got super sweet and yummy... pleeeease Im giving you my toothiest smile here... at least some pointers...
un besote,
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