so this is something i heard i've been meaning to pass on for a bit. when i was in italy a few weeks ago our extremely knowledgeable server/butcher/chef was talking to us about meat. specifically a bistecca fiorentina which is basically a porterhouse steak but here is where quality comes into play.
in most all beef, but especially this cut, the meat should come from a female cow between 7 -1o months old. a calf will stop drinking its mother's milk around 7 months which start the transition process between veal and beef. two very distinct colors, textures and flavors. now in the range of 7-10 months, as the cow starts to eat grass and other solid greens, the muscle begins to transform but still reattains much of the fat and tenderness from the previous months.
generally, people will often prefer meat from a female- a cow, as opposed to a bull because due to the sheer difference in body size a bull is designed to carry much more weight so the nerves and tendons are thicker and more prominent.
so according to our master butcher/chef, a steak from a 7 - 10 month old cow is gaurnateed to be tender and flavorful. i believe it.