okay, so this is a nigerian dish thats absolutely delicious but its the ugliest thing ever... my mother always said food should look as good as it tastes and hers always does, but often times, foods from africa, india and some of the middle east just look like different colored baby diarrhea and it'll be the garnish of parsely or strategically placed olive that makes it look a bit more presentable. WELL, long story short, with palm oil (olive is okay but palm oil will bring out the true flavor of the dish), i cooked down onions, carrots and i threw in a few nuts. then i threw in a huge broccoli head (not in the traditional recipe but i had broccoli and it needed to get used up), then on top of that i put in probably about 4 or 5 cups of dried washed black eyed peas, covered it with water and let everything come to a boil. salt and hot pepper were added accordingly and when the peas were cooked and everything got like a thick stew i shut off the heat (its yummy to eat just like this) once it all cooled a bit i put it all in a blender and processed everything till it was smooth and creamy. the i made little 'bowls" out of alimunim foil and ladled in a handful or so. everything gets wrapped and when cooled you have these delicious thick "cakes" that make a great side dish or lunch as is. we picked up some sour cream and hot sauce (bringing muoi muoi into the 21st century) and its SLAMMIN.. soo good... just butt ugly.